Friday, January 22, 2010

Never let a 6 and 4 year old play with paint together!

Never let a 6 and 4 year old play with paint together it never turns out well! While Baby piranha was taking a nap, Super annoying and Nose picker wanted to play with Nose picker's paint machine thing. So,they get it out and they start playing nicely right? They start making some pretty cool ones. Then it all goes WACKO! I don't even know what they did,all I know is Nose picker decided to paint his pants orange. Then they decided to take a 3hour bath.
And thats why never let a 6 and 4 year play with paint together!



  1. Sounds like a fun time. Hope they didn't paint anything of yours!

  2. Hooray another blog to follow. Nice to "meet" you! It will be fun to see your posts, as your brothers are slightly older than my kids (Jakob, 4 and Mollie 1).

  3. Thanks guys! Very supportive! My fans love me!

  4. I can just see it all going downhill. Bet they were pruny after a 3 hour bath.

  5. Oh my!!! What a day you all had! Love your new blog!
