Saturday, January 23, 2010

My morning.

My morning has been fun. First I got up,Baby piranha was already up so, I put on Barney. Then Nose picker got up and wanted muffins and yogurt. So I made him muffins. Then Super annoying got up and wanted the same thing. So I fixed him some. Nose picker did not want his yogurt. I fixed Baby piranha some muffins and myself. Finally I remembered I was suppost to wake up mom at 9:00 it was 9:20, so I woke her up and then got on the computer to type My morning.You will hear more later.


  1. I love this Baby Cakes. You write great!!! Can't wait for your next chapter.

  2. Thank you for sending me a text this morning with your new blog address. I am very excited to see that you are taking after your Mom and keeping a blog. When she was your age we didn't have computers, so she had to keep a journal. This will be a lot more fun since you can add pictures and videos. I look forward to following your blog too!!! Love, Nana

  3. Carlie,
    Thank you so much for helping out with the boys and letting me get an extra hour of sleep! You rock and did such a great job caring for Owen! That is what gave me the energy for us to all go out and have a fun day together :)
