Monday, February 1, 2010


I'm very mad because dad promised that he would call us every night that lasted ''1'' day. It is just stupid to promise something and not keep it! STUPID. It feels goodish to say stupid....STUPID....STUPID....STUPID! Stupid...yep stupid will be used ALOT. Enough with stupid.


  1. I am sorry you feel mad, but I love your word "goodish" alot!!! It reminded me of something my Dad use to say when I was little:

    Good, better, best,
    never let it rest,
    until the good is better
    and the better best.

  2. I am so sorry you are going through this, sweetie! Please know that it is not your fault (or your brothers) and none of you deserve to be treated this way! You are such a sweet, beautiful, talented girl. We still have the pot holders you made. My youngest took them and uses them for her play kitchen. :)

  3. Carlie,
    Sue is right...youguys are awesome kids. I thank God everyday for each one of you :)
    I am sorry this hurts so bad and I wish there was some way I could fix it.
    Remember my song for you..."Baby just keep your smile..."
    I love you!!!!!
